Legal services
A good choice of a legal advisor is often a fact that will have a long-term and decisive impact on the success of the client's business plan itself.
We provide our clients with a comprehensive legal service, from the performance of an initial legal audit, preparation of contractual documentation, negotiations with business partners, representation before public authorities (state administration bodies, territorial and interest self-government bodies, etc.), to the resolution of disputes before arbitration courts, courts of the Slovak Republic, including the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic and representation of clients in enforcement proceedings, as well as in proceedings before the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic.
The activity of our law office is based on three principles:

We always prefer teamwork, if it is expedient with regard to the case being handled, as it allows to find the most suitable solution for the client using several legal opinions. At the same time, the mutual cooperation of several team members enables continuous, uninterrupted work on the case, as its individual members can represent each other if necessary.
Team work

Every client of our law firm can count on his case being carefully assessed individually and thoroughly resolved down to the last detail.

When providing legal services, maximum discretion and loyalty towards the client is an absolute matter of course for us. Although the duty of confidentiality follows from the Law on Advocacy, we take all available measures to prevent the leakage of information about solved cases and actively prevent the emergence of a potential conflict of interest beyond the scope of our legal obligations.

Commercial law, corporate law, mergers, acquisitions
We provide comprehensive legal services to natural and legal persons who are interested in starting a business or are already doing business in the territory of the Slovak Republic, especially with regard to:
establishment and changes of commercial companies in the Slovak Republic,
consulting in the field of corporate affairs of business companies, including the holding of general meetings and meetings of other bodies of business companies,
the legal agenda of the commercial register, trade register, etc.,
legal audit (due diligence) of commercial companies and their business,
M & A, division of business companies and changes in the legal form of business companies,
increasing and decreasing the share capital,
contracts between shareholders, or partners of the company,
consulting in the area of liability of statutory bodies of other company representatives,
termination and liquidation of companies, including their deletion from the trade and commercial register,
applying client claims in bankruptcy proceedings or restructuring and more.

Economic competition and public procurement
We also provide legal services in the field of public procurement, both within the process itself when fulfilling the obligations of clients as applicants and/or interested parties, and also within the scope of review procedures when examining the legality and correctness of the procedures of public procurement entities and contracting entities, we assist clients in registering and extension of registration in the List of economic entities maintained by the Office for Public Procurement.
Our legal advice also includes the field of economic competition, primarily in the protection of clients' rights against unfair competition and in representation before the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic in the notification of concentrations, pre-notification consultations, as well as in special proceedings regarding the abuse of a dominant position on the market or agreements restricting economic competition.

Register of public sector partners
We also provide clients with comprehensive services related to the agenda of the Register of Public Sector Partners for the purpose of registering the client as a partner of the public sector and its final user of benefits in the Register of Public Sector Partners or reporting changes to entered data or other services in this area.

We provide legal advice in the field of personal data protection, including the development of relevant documentation in accordance with the GDPR, we conduct audits aimed at compliance with the obligations of entities regarding the protection of personal data.

Intellectual property law, including IT law
We also provide clients with legal advice in the field of intellectual property law regulated by the Copyright Act, patent regulations, the Trademark Act and the like, in particular:
registering trademarks (national and international trademarks, Community trademark);
preparing work contracts, license contracts and other contracts in accordance with the Copyright Act,
registering patents and utility models,
representation in opposition and other proceedings before the Slovak Industrial Property Office, before the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), etc.
borrowing, renting, buying and selling works of art.

Labour law
As part of legal services, we also cover the field of labour-legal relations, which most often concern:
comprehensive preparation of labour-legal documentation (employment contracts, agreements on work performed outside the employment relationship, changes to working conditions, agreements on material responsibility, etc.), including internal organizational standards (work rules, organizational rules, "home office" directives, management orders , other internal standards),
preparation of agreements on the termination of the employment relationship, terminations, immediate termination of the employment relationship, including advice on severance, departure, etc.,
legal advice for merging employers in the merger of business companies and in the transfer of rights and obligations in employment-law relations;
legal representation of employees or employers in a labour law dispute regarding the invalidity of the termination of employment;
legal advice to clients in case of violation of the right to equal treatment in employment, etc.

Civil law
Our legal services also include:
preparation of any contractual documentation covering the field of civil relations (e.g. lease, loan, etc.)
legal advice and representation of clients in civil law matters (e.g. approval of a minor's legal act, limitation of capacity for legal acts, application of claims for damages, claims for unjust enrichment, consumer disputes, including representation before the Slovak Trade Inspection),
representation in proceedings for divorce and adjustment of rights and obligations towards minors, representation of clients in connection with adjustment of rights and obligations towards minors for the time leading up to divorce, in proceedings for alimony for an adult child;
legal advice in the settlement of property belonging to joint ownership of spouses, joint ownership, etc.
representation in inheritance proceedings and similar proceedings (proceedings on disinheritance, proceedings on newly discovered property, invalidity of a will or deed of disinheritance),
legal advice when drafting a deed of disinheritance of a descendant and/or a testator's will;
legal opinions in the field of any property relations.

Real estate and construction law
We provide legal service to development and construction companies, real estate agencies, professionals, as well as private investors, whom we advise on legal issues related to the acquisition of real estate or the construction of smaller buildings, such as family houses, recreational properties, etc. Legal advice in this area mainly includes:
development projects, especially apartment buildings, multifunctional buildings, shopping centers,
real estate projects, especially family houses, etc.,
consolidation of land,
identification of land owners,
proceedings before the cadastral office, and others.

Court proceedings and proceedings before other public authorities
We defend the rights and enforce the claims of clients in contentious and non-contentious proceedings before the courts of the Slovak Republic, before the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic, before arbitration courts, as well as in proceedings conducted by public authorities such as the Antimonopoly Office, the Office of Industrial Property of the Slovak Republic, the Office for Public Procurement of the Slovak Republic, the Office for Regulation of electronic communications and postal services, Office for the Protection of Personal Data, Slovak Trade Inspection, labour inspectorates, Office for Metrology, Standardization and Testing of the Slovak Republic, trade, tax, cadastral offices, commercial register and others.